The Silver Apples of the Moon


The Silver Apples of the Moon is made of the alchemical Oil of silver, Mugwort tincture (Artemisia ludoviciana), Absinthe, and Elderberry Tincture. 

This potion corresponds to the brow or 3rd eye chakra, the moon, & the pituitary gland & the endocrine system. 

It corresponds to the feminine nature residing in all of us and has been used for opening and closing the doors of perception as you desire and has been a powerful aid for insomnia, and shadow work. Elderberry is a powerful antiviral shrub steeped in magic, story and folklore.  Mugwort is a powerful energy mover used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to move energy in the body and has been associated by many with dreamwork.  Absinthe is the inspirational herbal liquor of painters & poets who summons the green fairy.

The combination of the Oil of Silver and the Lunar herbs herbs magic is one that brings a cooling sensation to a frantic mind & opens one's awareness to trusting in the processes of life. 

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