The Golden Apples of the Sun


The Golden Apples of the Sun was named after William Butler Yeats' poem "The song of the wandering aengus". It contains many bee based ingredients we lovingly gather from our bees- Propolis potion, Fresh Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Quintessence of honey, and Oil of Gold.

Propolis is the quintessential bee medicine, these ladies who devote themselves to creating cities made of plant excretions, this is the plant material they turn to for their own medicine. Our propolis potion is made through tincturing propolis, infusing it in honey, and decocting it into a tea and combining these 3 elements together. Our royal jelly is harvested lovingly from our hives when practicing swarm prevention and is NOT gathered throughout tricking the bees into a state of queenless-ness to increase their production as most commercially gathered royal jelly is. Our bee pollen is mixed in fresh to the potion.

Physically the Oil of Gold corresponds to the Pineal Gland, situated between the two hemispheres of the brain. The Pineal Gland has a multitude of responsibilities, but is known mostly for its production of Melatonin and DMT. Melatonin helps regulate the sensations of sleep and wakefulness. It is also known to protect DNA against degenerative mutations, in effect keeping the body free of disease, aiding in aspects of anti-aging, observed longevity, and youthfulness.

Much like Gold, we find that Honey is a universal panacea, destroying any physical ailment it is sized up against. Commonly known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant effects, honey is a powerful immune booster that can help deal with common colds, sore throats, or infectious sickness of any kind.

The Golden Apples of the Sun corresponds with the crown chakra, the pineal gland, and the heavenly body of the Sun and is a potion to awaken your divine potential and increase your awareness of the beautiful flowering buzzing of life.

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